
May:  Unlock Your Potential: How to build your energy reserves naturally

Sue Johnston, creator of LifeStar® Wellbeing, shares the concept of regenerative resilience, the importance of energy reserves, and practical tips for building energy reserves through the balancing and blending activities across LifeStar's five points: move, stop, care, connect, and achieve.

The Energy Edition

By Sue Johnston, LifeStar® Creator



In today's fast-paced world, maintaining energy reserves and cultivating what I call ‘regenerative resilience’ is more important than ever. Understanding what drains our energy, how to build energy reserves, and the connection between energy management and regenerative resilience is vital for leading a balanced and fulfilling life. Read on to learn how to live with more energy and impact.

Regenerative Resilience is having the energy reserves we need for ‘in the moment’ resilience.

Regenerative resilience is a concept that Dr Katie Kilty and I developed as part of our Courageous Sports programme. It refers to your ability to consistently build your energy reserves to adapt and respond effectively to life's challenges without succumbing to burnout or overwhelm. By creating energy reserves and practising regenerative resilience, you can ensure that you have the capacity for 'in-the-moment' resilience, enabling you to navigate life's ups and downs more easily.

The Importance of Energy Reserves: - recharging our batteries is a must.

Energy reserves are the stored resources our bodies rely on to perform daily activities, recover from stress, and maintain overall well-being. What does it feel like when you have low energy reserves? Well, everything may feel a little more difficult. When your energy reserves are depleted, you are more likely to feel fatigued, irritable, and have trouble focusing on your work. Does that sound familiar? When you feel like this, it’s a sign that your energy reserves are low.

I know from my conversations with clients about energy and energy reserves that it is common to ignore the signs of energy depletion until they run out of charge altogether. I often remind them, that if your phone needs recharging, you plug it in. You need to do the same for yourself – before you completely run out of charge.

Energy reserves are crucial for maintaining optimal physical and mental performance. They allow us to handle unexpected demands, recover from intense workouts, and maintain consistent energy throughout the day. Furthermore, having adequate energy reserves can improve mood, boost productivity, and enhance overall quality of life. So how do we build energy reserves in our fast-paced lives?

How to Build Energy Reserves and Regenerative Resilience – blend and balance with LifeStar’s five points.

The foundation of regenerative resilience lies in the balancing and blending activities across the five points of the LifeStar: move, stop, care, connect, and achieve. By engaging in various activities that align with all these five points, you will build energy reserves and cultivate the capacity that to thrive in any situation.

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Here's how each point contributes to regenerative resilience:

  • Move: Regular physical activity boosts energy levels, improves cardiovascular health, and enhances overall well-being.

  • Stop: Prioritising rest, relaxation, and mindfulness allows your body and mind to recover, recharge, and build resilience.

  • Care: Practicing self-care, such as maintaining a healthy diet, getting quality sleep, and managing stress, nourishes your body and supports energy production.

  • Connect: Building strong social connections and engaging in meaningful relationships provides emotional support and strengthens resilience.

  • Achieve: Setting and working towards goals gives you purpose, boosts self-confidence, and fuels your motivation to maintain energy reserves.

By focusing on regenerative resilience and incorporating activities from each of the five points into your daily life, you will have the energy reserves needed for 'in-the-moment' resilience. This holistic approach to energy management will help you navigate life's challenges with greater ease and enable you to live a more balanced, fulfilling, and energised life.

“Your energy does an incredible job when combined with your focus and belief.” – Dr. Prem Jagyasi,

Practical Tips to Get Started

1. Acknowledge what in your lifestyle zaps your energy For example:

  • Poor nutrition
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Inadequate sleep
  • Chronic stress
  • Overwork and lack of rest
  • Social isolation
  • Neglecting self-care

2. Write down activities, people, places and other things that give you energy.

Your activities that give you energy will fit into one or more of the five points of the LifeStar – move, stop, care, connect, achieve. Note what activities fit into each point of the LifeStar.

Now, what do you see? Do you have energy-giving activities at all points of the LifeStar? If you do, you can build your energy reserves by blending and balancing these activities across the five points.

If you have points of the LifeStar where there are no activities, you will benefit from identifying some additional activities to give you the full range of activities that you will need to build your energy reserves. The secret is choosing activities you enjoy or are keen to try out. Otherwise, they will become energy zappers.

3. If you’re looking for inspiration to round out your energy-giving activities across your LifeStar, here are some suggestions.

      • Move: Incorporate regular exercise into your routine, such as walking, yoga, or cycling.

      • Stop: Schedule short breaks throughout the day for relaxation or mindfulness practices.

      • Care: Establish a consistent sleep routine and create a sleep-conducive environment.

      • Care: Set boundaries to prevent overwork and prioritise rest and self-care.

      • Connect: Cultivate social connections through activities, volunteering, or contacting friends and family.

      • Achieve: Set realistic goals and celebrate your achievements to maintain motivation.

By understanding the importance of energy reserves and how to build them, you can cultivate regenerative resilience and lead a balanced, energisted, and fulfilling live.  Incorporating activities from LifeStar's five points into  your dailiy routine will help you maintain a resilient lifestyle with the energy to do what you love, have impact at work and presence at home.

P.S Remember that you to have to go it alone.  I'm here.  Tap into LifeStar® support with resources and learning on the LifeStar® app, and one on on or group coaching options.

A shortcut to building your resilience and wellbeing

Here's how LifeStar can help you.

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  1. For Budgets under $500
  1. For budgets under $1000
  • LifeStar® reset via the LifeStar® app  Click here

  • LifeStar® Group coaching for up to 10 people. Click here

  • Coming soon: Life Stars monthly group coaching, learning and accountability sessions. Register your interest.

  1. For Budgets of $3000 or more
  • Work one-on-one with Sue for faster, more personalised impact and results. 

    Book a call with Sue.

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